Could COVID-19 Cancel This Year’s Halloween?

New Halloween Safety Guidelines From CDC - First For Women

Halloween comes up every summer. However, COVID-19 is a terrifying threat that looms over Halloween this year. While nearly three months away, Halloween costume design and candy boxes are making their way through store shelves. And the Parenting community members weigh in on whether little comic book heroes, fuzzy creatures, or pint-sized witches and goblins will be out this year for this occasion.

And if we continuously say, “Use your face mask; always avoid touching your nose and eyes; your sanitizer should always be with you; wash your hand always, and so on, Halloween would be way less fun with all these directives.” So, there is a concern about whether Halloween would still hold or not.

The Upside of Fear

According to a 2018 Value Village poll, a whopping 44 percent of Canadians said Halloween is their favorite holiday, while’s opinions have revealed that the average Canadian spends …

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Advantages of Online Shopping During 2020 Festivities

What are the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping? - Quora

The internet has widely influenced the way we shop. Aside from the fact that COVID-19 has reduced physical contact and movement of people in shopping, many these days prefer doing their shopping online over the conventional method due to the numerous benefits and advantages. So, if you are still afraid or in doubt of how to shop during this year’s festivities period, don’t be scared. Tips for your next Christmas shopping and some reasons that can make you prefer online shopping are as follows:

  1. Convenience

This is one of the most significant advantages of shopping online. There are no lines to wait in or shop assistants to wait on to assists in your purchase. Online shops provide the ability to shop anytime, anywhere with no worries about pollution. There is no better place for the purchase of informational products like e-books, which are made available as soon as payment is …

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Best Backpack for you who like traveling

Who doesn’t like to travel? Adventure to exciting new places is an effective way to get rid of boredom. When you want to travel, of course you have to prepare a variety of adventure equipment that is concise and easy to carry anywhere.

Herschel Little America Backpack For Autumn | Michael 84

One of the mandatory equipment for traveling is a backpack backpack. This backpack or backpack is used to hold the things you carry while traveling. Backpack backpack is designed specifically for traveling, this can be seen from the various features applied to backpacks. Like the storage capacity of goods, rigging, and designs that are adjusted to ease your load.

For that, we will present articles about some of the best backpacks for you who like traveling, complete with prices and reviews. But before that, we will share knowledge about how to choose backpack backpacks and how to care for them.

How to choose a backpack for traveling

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